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Chief Swinhart' s Community Update


Fire Chief Community Update for 8/15/22

It’s hard to imagine that Fall is going to be upon us soon. Your Key Peninsula Fire Department has been as busy as usual, but outside of a few small brush fires, it’s been a pretty “quiet” fire season for us. We attribute that to wetter than usual start to the Summer and just some good luck. I’d also like to call out the quick responses of our highly-trained staff that ensure our citizens are kept as safe as any community in Pierce County.

In late July the KPFD Capital Facilities Committee met at Station 46 to discuss the next steps in implementation of our capital facilities plan. A big part of that plan relates to what will be done with the restaurant building (the former O’Callahan's) that the District acquired in 2021. A couple months back the Board had decided to temporarily suspend further repairs to the building. After further consultation with the District’s legal counsel, the Board voted at their August 9 meeting to allow the tenant to begin repairs of the building such that will allow them to open their planned restaurant. This will not require additional funds from the budget. We are currently working on an amendment to the lease for the tenant to consider.

As always, we thank our community members and partners for their continued support of the Key Peninsula Fire Department. If you have comments or questions, please e-mail Fire Chief Nick Swinhart at

Stay Safe!

Nick Swinhart

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