Key Peninsula Fire Department Community Update
It has been a very productive two months for me here on the Key Peninsula and I have been thoroughly enjoying getting to known everyone and explore all that the KP has to offer. Here are a few items that your Key Peninsula Fire Department has been working on over the past few weeks:
· At the June 28 Board meeting, the Commissioners voted to pause any additional improvements to the acquired restaurant building in Key Center. This decision was arrived at due to concerns about budgetary impact and uncertainty about future use of the property. The Board will revisit the discussion after the capital facilities committee meets on July 28.
· The department’s capital facilities committee will be meeting on July 28 to discuss several pending issues. First among them will be to discuss future station improvements and pricing out what those capital costs may be. The committee will also be considering future uses of the acquired property in Key Center. This meeting is not open to the public, but the discussions will be reported at a future Board of Commissioners meeting.
· KPFD is always looking for new members for our Citizens Advisory Panel (CAP). This group meets once per month and discusses pending fire department issues and provides input on future improvements. If you are interested in serving on this group, please reach out to Chief Swinhart by e-mail.
· Losing longtime staff is always difficult, but we were all especially saddened to receive notice that Christina Bosch, our longtime district secretary and executive assistant, would be departing after 22 years. It will be incredibly difficult to lose her, but we wish her all the best in her future endeavors! KPFD will be conducting an open search to fill Christina’s position. If you are interested and feel you are qualified, please check out our posting announcement on our website.
Have a great day and stay safe!
Nick Swinhart