The District is pleased to announce that effective Tuesday, July 6, 2021, we will again open some of our facilities for public use, including the community rooms at Stations 47 (Home), Station 46 (Key Center), and Station 45 (Wright Bliss). The District will also open the lobby at Station 46 to conduct District business, facilitate Notary Services and Water Testing Services.
The District is also excited to have in-person Board Meetings again starting July 13, 2021. While the Commissioners intend to meet as much as they can in person, the District will still offer a virtual connection for those Commissioners or Community Members that need to connect virtually.
With this opening comes some criteria that the District must ask everyone to be mindful of:
A small amount of cleaning and disinfectant supplies will be available in the community rooms. We ask that you take a quick moment to leave the space clean and organized after your use. Please do your part to help us keep District spaces healthy.
A small number of facemasks will be available for your use in the community rooms. Based upon guidance from the Department of Health and Labor & Industries, please consider using a mask and continue to social distance if you remain unvaccinated or if you feel ill in any way, regardless of vaccination status.
Each community room will have a visitor log. Please list one primary contact person for the group that is using the space. Having this contact information allows us to meet some of the requirements placed upon us, keep close track of our access keys, and alert you should some illness be associated with others that have used the room before you.
Community Room reservations can be made by calling 253-884-2222. Please call with plenty of notice about your need to reserve a room.
If you need to conduct business in the lobby of Station 46, please know that the Plexiglas partitions will remain in place, and sanitizing stations will be available. As with the community rooms, please consider wearing a mask if you remain unvaccinated or if you feel ill in any way, regardless of your vaccination status. In addition, please limit the number of individuals in the lobby at any one time to no more than two (2) individuals.
If you are looking for Notary Services, please call 253-884-2222 and make sure a Notary is available. Scheduling this activity with Staff is appreciated.
Again, the District wants to thank you for your patience, and overwhelming support, over the last several months. We are excited to engage with you directly by offering up our community rooms again and doing business with you at our Key Center Fire Station.
Chief Morrow